Municipal grants for municipalities and local government agencies to provide services to local communities.
Grants to North Carolina nonprofit organizations, businesses, individuals, and government agencies for economic development projects. Funding is intended for programs that help to alleviate the decline in the tobacco-related portion of the state economy. The goal of th...
Grants to Arizona nonprofit organizations and government agencies for programs that address traffic safety and accident prevention. Funding is intended for activities within the focus areas of accident investigation, impaired driving, emergency medical services, occupa...
Grants to Oregon and Washington nonprofit organizations, agencies, schools, IHEs, school systems, Indian tribal entities, and community-based organizations for K-12 environmental education programs. Applicants must complete required registrations prior to submitting an...
Grants to Ohio nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and faith-based entities to improve the quality of life for residents in eligible locations. Applicants must submit a letter of intent before applying. Funding is intended for projects that will have a positi...
Grants to South Carolina nonprofit organizations and government entities for initiatives that promote tourism in eligible locations. Funding is intended to support marketing projects, capital projects, and events that increase the amount of leisure travel to the region...
Grants of up to $5,000 to Hawaii nonprofit organizations and government agencies in eligible locations for programs that benefit local youth. Funding is intended for programs that benefit schools or that fight juvenile delinquency, which may include anti-drug programs,...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations, schools, and IHEs for environmental stewardship projects in eligible states. Funding is intended for programs focused on education about the environment, climate change, clean water, water-based activities, and conservation. Proje...
Grants to Mississippi nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and for-profit organizations for activities to assist people with developmental disabilities and their families. Funding is intended to support innovative projects in the areas of capacity building, advoca...
Grants to Michigan nonprofit organizations, government entities, schools, clubs, and individuals in eligible locations for a wide range of charitable projects and programs. Focus areas include, but are not limited to, health outreach, medical equipment, community beaut...
Grants to Idaho cities and counties for projects to improve public facilities and infrastructure. Funding categories include job creation, senior and community centers, public parks, downtown revitalization, and post-disaster. Eligible activities must meet one of the n...
Grants of up to $2,000 to Massachusetts nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and Tribal entities for public readings related to slavery and race relations. Funding is intended to support reading events with moderated discussions open to the general community. ...
Grants to Canada nonprofit organizations, private employers, and First Nations and Inuit governments in eligible provinces to provide summer jobs for Inuit and First Nations youth. First-time applicants must contact the funding source to gain access to the application ...
Grants to Canada nonprofit organizations, First Nations schools, Inuit and First Nations governments, and private employers in eligible provinces for career training and counseling for Inuit and First Nations youth. First-time applicants must contact the funding source...
Grants to Iowa nonprofit organizations and government agencies for a wide range of community services benefiting residents in eligible locations. Funding areas of interest include arts and culture, health, capital improvement, community development, and addressing chil...
Grants to Indiana nonprofit organizations, government agencies, schools, and faith-based entities to address community needs in eligible locations. Applicants must contact the funding source before applying. Funding is intended for activities that reach as many residen...
Grants to Idaho state and local agencies, nonprofit organizations, IHEs, and tribes for projects to restore forest lands. Funding is intended to support projects in rural areas on either private or State-owned land. Projects should be innovative and should address the ...
Grants to Idaho nonprofit organizations and government agencies for projects to diminish the risk of wildfires. Funding is intended for planning projects, public education about the dangers and how to prevent these fires, and restoration of appropriate ecosystems to re...
Grants to Idaho nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and tribes for activities to decrease the risk of wildfires on non-federal lands. Funding is intended to support projects that reduce the presence of dangerous fuels on non-industrial forest lands adjacent t...
Grants to California nonprofit, faith-based, and community organizations, public agencies, and educational institutions for training and placement programs to address workforce shortages in the mental health field. Funding is intended for training and support that prom...
Cooperative agreements to USA and territories IHEs and research institutions for training programs related to educational research. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. The specific purpose of IES-supported training pro...
Grants of up to $25,000 to Michigan government entities, development authorities, and community development organizations to assist in the development of businesses located in eligible downtown retail areas. Eligible expenses include renovations, technical support, mar...
Grants to Michigan qualifying local government agencies for agricultural conservation easements. Funding is intended to support the acquisition of development rights, with the goal of preserving locally significant farmland. Funded programs may be township, multi-towns...
Grants to Alaska Native village councils, nonprofit organizations, and first and second-class small cities for planning activities that improve water systems. Funding is intended to support the development of plans for projects that improve or provide safe water and se...
Grants to Montana organizations, for-profit businesses, schools, government agencies, and individuals for research and marketing projects that promote the state's pulse sector. Funding is intended for applied research studies and market development activities designed ...
Grants to Wisconsin local government entities to design and develop open space areas in eligible locations. Funding is intended for property acquisition, engineering, and design. Examples of projects include environmental corridors, bike paths, and pedestrian paths. Th...
Grants to South Carolina nonprofit organizations and government agencies for programs and activities that promote tourism in eligible locations. Applicants must contact program staff before applying. Eligible projects include sports events, festivals, arts and cultural...
Grants to USA and territories nonprofit and tribal organizations, educational institutions, and government entities for programs and projects to support and promote sanctuaries for marine habitats in eligible locations. Eligible organizations are those seeking to advoc...
Grants to Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont organizations and districts to establish new or expand currently operating meal programs in schools during the summer. Funding is intended to support promotion and marketing, student engagem...
Grants to Minnesota public school districts and charter schools for educational enrichment programs. Funding is intended to assist PK-12 students who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in the general education environment and may eventually qual...
Grants to Idaho nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and tribes for projects to mitigate risks for wildfires and enhance the resilience of forests throughout the state. Funding is intended for projects that primarily take place within underserved and low-incom...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations, government agencies, tribes, IHEs, public authorities, and metropolitan planning organizations in multiple states and locations for economic development planning activities that benefit distressed communities. Funding is intended ...
Grants to Massachusetts school districts to promote professional development for teachers. Applicants must complete the required registration before applying. Funding is intended to build a diverse and effective teaching workforce that reflects the rich cultural backgr...
Grants to New Mexico nonprofit organizations, public and governmental agencies, and Tribes to benefit residents in eligible counties. Funding is intended for activities and programs in the focus areas of health and human services and economic and civic opportunities. G...
Grants to Missouri nonprofit organizations, local agencies, and educational institutions to advance education in eligible regions. Programs must serve children from preschool age through post-secondary. Funding areas of interest include educational innovation, support ...
Grants to Connecticut nonprofit organizations, municipalities, state government agencies, and institutions of higher education to promote eligible agricultural products. Funding is intended to improve the competitiveness of a crop industry. Projects must impact and pro...
Grants to North Carolina nonprofit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and interest groups to support local agriculture and improve the competitiveness of specialty crop markets. Funding is intended for projects that address issues facing the ind...
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, and neighborhood or community associations in multiple states for environmental projects and studies in eligible locations. Funding is intended to encourage the integration of green techniques into commu...
In-kind book donations to Minnesota nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and public institutions in eligible counties to encourage early literacy. The purpose of funding is to promote school readiness for young children ages 0-8. Priority will be given to prop...
Grants of up to $50,000 to Minnesota nonprofit organizations and government agencies for habitat preservation activities throughout the state. Funding is intended to support enhancement and restoration projects for wetlands, prairies, habitats for game, fish, and wild...
Grants of up to $2,500 to South Dakota nonprofit organizations, government entities, faith-based groups, and schools to benefit youth in eligible regions. Grants may be requested for capacity building or new or ongoing programs and projects. Priority will be given to p...
Grants of up to $10,000 to Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio nonprofit organizations, government units, Tribal governments, and individual artists and practitioners in eligible regions for folk and traditional arts projects and events. Eligible applicants must be locat...
Grants to USA and territories nonprofit and for-profit organizations, Tribes, IHEs, and government agencies to address urgent needs related to substance use disorder in rural regions. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete.
Grants of up to $10,000 to Minnesota nonprofit and public organizations, government agencies, and tribes in eligible regions for initiatives that promote inclusion and equity for underrepresented individuals and new citizens. Funding is intended to support efforts that...
Contract for services to an Iowa nonprofit organization, for-profit, or government agency to improve the health of residents. Funding is intended to improve outcomes for patients with circulatory system health concerns. The contractor will develop and implement evidenc...
Grant to a USA nonprofit organization, for-profit, government agency, IHE, or tribe to develop a mental health research center and training program. Applicants are advised that the required registrations must be completed prior to applying. Funding is intended to contr...
Grants to North Carolina substance use treatment agencies and programs, health centers, and CBOs for pilot programs to provide treatment services to eligible youth. Funding is intended for programs that will increase the number of youth able to stay in their family hom...
Grants to New York nonprofit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, school districts, and institutions of higher education for watershed stewardship projects in eligible locations. Funding is intended for projects in the focus areas of education; planning a...
Grants to California local and state governments, Tribes, joint power authorities, and special districts to acquire, expand, and improve outdoor recreation areas and facilities for public use. The purpose of this program is to create new recreation opportunities to pro...
Grants to North Carolina and South Carolina nonprofit organizations, government agencies, faith-based entities, and educational institutions for capital projects that benefit at-risk children and youth in eligible regions. Funding is intended to assist youth-serving or...
Grants to Wisconsin private organizations, public agencies, and tribal governments to develop and implement professional development programs. Funding is intended to promote long-term economic growth throughout the state. The goal of the grant program is to assist busi...