The numbers of available grants are fluid as we archive grants daily and add new ones regularly.
Grants to Minnesota nonprofit organizations and government agencies to promote the game of hockey in eligible locations. Funding is intended for projects and activities that strengthen and advance youth hockey in local communities. Eligible applicants are located in an...
Grants to Pennsylvania individuals for training and financial assistance in dealing with local courts in eligible regions. Funding is intended to train drug treatment court staff and provide financial assistance to participants in the veterans treatment court who do no...
Grants of up to $7,500 to Pennsylvania farms to promote long-term viability and success. Funding is intended to support professional services for those planning for the future of a farm. The program will enhance the vitality of farms through sound business planning, ef...
Grants to Colorado nonprofits, CBOs, human service providers, neighborhood organizations, business improvement districts, and associations for projects to promote clean transportation in eligible regions. The purpose of funding is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by ...
Opportunity for Maine employers in the clean energy industry to host paid interns. Funding is intended to give individuals work experience in the clean energy industry, include training and mentorship opportunities. Funded internships are expected to be short-term role...
Grants to Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations for activities to benefit the community in eligible regions. Eligible activities fall under one of the following areas of interest: education, community and culture, the elderly, children and families, and prison outreach....
Opportunity for Pennsylvania high school students from underserved communities in eligible regions to participate in a mentorship program. This opportunity is designed for 11th and 12th grade students who are interested in a future career that does not require a colleg...
Grants of up to $5,000 to Kansas nonprofit organizations, schools, government agencies, and faith-based entities for programs that benefit residents in eligible communities. Funding is intended for activities in the focus areas of health, education, arts and culture, e...
In-kind donations of bread products to USA nonprofit organizations, public schools, and religious organizations in the contiguous states to assist people in need. Applicants must commit to distributing the products to ill people, at-risk or underserved children and you...
Grants of up to $5,000 to Louisiana nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions for projects and programs that benefit communities in eligible locations. Funding is primarily intended to support fundraising activities and community events th...