Funding for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs
Head Start and Early Head Start programs offer a variety of service models, depending on the needs of the local community. Many Head Start and Early Head Start programs are based in centers as well as schools. Meanwhile, other programs are located in childcare centers and family child care homes. Some programs even offer home-based services. For example, the assignment of dedicated staff who conduct weekly visits to the children and their parents in their own homes. This, which as you can imagine, can be a great help to low-income families.
As far back as 1965, Head Start initially began as a summer program. The thought was to develop a holistic preschool program that provides assistance for the needs of school readiness for children. This can be through emotional, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs. When it is started at the youngest of ages it quadruples the odds of success.
Today, Head Start programs provide services to over a million children every year. These programs promote school readiness of children, supporting the development of the whole child.

Where To Find Grants for Head Start Programs?
There are Head Start programs in every U.S. state and territory. has several Head Start, Early Head Start and preschool grants listed on the website. Click here to view all the available Head Start grants. Funding is available to USA public and private nonprofit organizations, including;
- CBOs and faith-based organizations
- For-profit businesses
- Native American Tribal agencies, and
- Nonprofit organizations
If you apply for a Head Start grant, note that it may take up to four weeks to complete the application registration requirements.