$1.6 Million Grant Awarded to Improve Virginia Apprenticeship Program
Grant awarded to improve Virginia apprenticeship program. An excess of over $1.6 million dollars has been awarded to the state of Virginia to be used towards funding and expanding apprenticeships. The fields in which the apprenticeships will be focused range from computer programming to building trades such as plumbing, painting and carpentry. The funding will come directly from the U.S. Department of Labor, so appropriate use is guaranteed.
The program currently works by aiding with training for several different areas so it can assist the broadest group possible. The result is the production of highly skilled, industry niched workers that meet demand for this type of labor for Virginia companies. Many of these companies are competing on a global scale and need laborers ranging from high tech positions to highly skilled trades. This type of educational resource programs are great for increasing skilled workforce so that no job remains unfilled. There is a lot more grants available for programs such as this on sites like GrantWatch.com
This was a grant awarded to improve Virginia apprenticeship programs, though the resources will be used for the Virginia Registered Apprenticeship Program with disbursement management assigned by the state Department of Labor and Industry. The program currently assists 12,000 apprentices within the state, with hopes of this number growing due to the extra resources. The aim of the funding is to help increase the number of apprentices by 800 over the lifespan of the three-year grant. Our education section has a lot more resources regarding grant news in education.
Resources like this are vastly helpful to programs helping non-skilled laborers seeking to increase their marketability in the job market. It allows them to build up their skillset or even learn a completely new skill they’ve had an interest in during the past. Keep up with all types of grant news through our site, we cover various areas of grant news.