Rental Assistance Grants
Looking for rental assistance grants? This year, many families are struggling post-pandemic and the after effects that are still lingering. The coronavirus pandemic has affected the livelihoods of countless people, and as a result, has impacted one of the basic necessities: shelter.
Over 150,000 people have become homeless since March last year, joining the half a million people already struggling with homelessness. Many residents are currently facing hardship, but where can they turn for help? One of the relief support services available is rental assistance, however, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria.
Discover the rental assistance that is currently available in:
- Alabama Alaska Arizona
- Arkansas California Colorado
- Connecticut Delaware Florida
- Georgia Hawaii Idaho
- Illinois Indiana Iowa
- Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
- Maine Maryland Massachusetts
- Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
- Missouri Montana Nebraska
- Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
- New Mexico New York North Carolina
- North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
- Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
- South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
- Texas Utah Vermont
- Virginia Washington Washington DC
- West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Meanwhile, financial assistance is available to low-income individuals and families in the USA & Canada. While most people are under the assumption that grants are simply for nonprofits and small businesses, there grants available for individuals. Subsequently, one of the key tips to searching for grants, is to think on a broader spectrum. Sometimes, being too specific can actually eliminate potential grants you may be eligible for. For this reason, thinking outside the box can broaden your possibilities of finding funding opportunities.
What Else Can You Do?
While grants can be a lifeline for those who are struggling, there are also other avenues to consider. For example, crowdfunding, with donations typically being available immediately in your account. There are various fundraising platforms available, but the key to a successful campaign can rely heavily on these 5 tips:
- Self-promotion: Share your campaign on social media as well as emailing it to your family and friends.
- Set a realistic goal: You don’t want to appear insincere with a large $ donation request. You can always raise it later.
- Use images and/or videos: The most successful campaigns use high-resolution images that help people to empathize.
- Tell your story: You don’t want to appear to be asking for a handout. Engage people with heartfelt honesty and always ensure proper spelling and grammar.
- Patience: Be patient. It’s one of the hardest things to do, but don’t give up hope.