10 Summer Fundraisers for Your Nonprofit
Through these 10 summer fundraisers, nonprofits can provide families with fun events that all ages can enjoy, while also raising money for a worthy cause. Nonprofit organizations can also take advantage of the new grant opportunities available through grant search engines such as GrantWatch.
As summer quickly approaches, many people are looking for fun activities they can participate in to get the most out of their summertime weather. Since most children are out of school during this period, this is the perfect time for families to spend time together. We hope this list gives your nonprofit some new and exciting ideas to try this summer!
1. Outdoor Movie Night
This can be a fun and inexpensive fundraiser idea for your nonprofit to try during the summer. All you need is a venue, a big screen, a projector and your choice of film. You can charge an entry fee for each person who attends, with the proceeds going to your nonprofit.
Also, having a number of snack and drink options available for people to buy can give a nice ‘boost’ to your fundraising efforts. You could even arrange for a local food truck to be your ‘vendor of choice.’ It would even be better if you could get them to donate a portion of their revenue to your cause. Pick a family-friendly movie so everyone can enjoy it!
2. Fourth of July Cookout

One of the most well-known holidays of the summer is the Fourth of July, so it only makes sense that your nonprofit seizes the opportunity to hold an event to celebrate the day. Even though there will be people out of town, there should still be plenty of your members who are around and available. So consider hosting a Fourth of July cookout fundraiser for all to enjoy!
You can make it a potluck and have each of your nonprofit board members or volunteers bring a dish to save expenses. You can then charge a small fee to the public to attend or make it a ‘donate as you are able’ event. If you want to raise additional funds, you can also consider making extra desserts and baked goods to sell at the event.
3. Summer Fun Run
Many nonprofits host marathons or fun runs as a way to raise funds for their organization. Summer is a great time to keep up the tradition, since the weather is more favorable and many people have a lighter work schedule. There are also very few expenses when it comes to holding the event, as all you usually need are volunteers – either to run in the event or to hand out water and cheer on the runners. Each participant will often pay a fee to participate. You can also have each runner ask sponsors to pledge to pay a certain dollar amount for each mile they run. Speaking of sponsors, you could probably get a business to underwrite the event in exchange for the chance to promote their company!
4. Charity Softball Game

If your nonprofit hasn’t ever thrown a charity softball game, this might be the year to consider holding one. Charity softball games are very popular summer fundraisers and can be a fun and engaging way to gain donations for your nonprofit. Many times, the team players are nonprofit board members and their families. However, opening it up to others interested in participating could be a great opportunity to get your nonprofit some positive exposure in the community. Maybe, you can even get a local radio or tv station to broadcast your event. Also, don’t forget to alert print and social media outlets. The possibilities for community outreach are endless!
Not only can you charge a fee to watch the game, but you can also set up a donation table or do a raffle drawing at the end of the game. Speak with your local parks and recreation department about scheduling the game and see if they would be willing to have concessions available. You could probably convince them to donate a portion of their sales to your nonprofit, as well. Maybe also consider having jars set out where people can put money in the container of their choosing to vote for which team they think will win. Of course, it doesn’t really matter who ‘scores’ the most runs. In the end, you’re all ‘winners!’
5. Ice Cream Party
Who doesn’t love ice cream? An ice cream party is the perfect way to cool down from the summer heat and raise some money for your cause. In fact, July is National Ice Cream Month. This event does not require much either – just all your favorite ice cream flavors and plenty of toppings! Along with charging an entry fee at the door, you can also have a raffle drawing or set up an auction table with donated items.

6. Car Wash
A car wash might be the perfect choice for a summer fundraiser. Not only is summer the ideal weather for a car wash, but people are also more likely to be interested in getting their car washed in advance of a planned family vacation.
Another advantage of a car wash is that it doesn’t ask much from volunteers or participants other than a little time – and maybe an extra change of clothes! It’s a fairly simple event to hold. Once you have a location in place, all you really need is soap, water, sponges and a few signs. Car washes are also an effective way to get the attention of people outside of your nonprofit’s normal circle. By setting up in areas of high traffic, you’re able to potentially introduce a whole new group of people that will now know about – and possibly help support – your worthwhile cause.
7. Garage Sale
Everybody has something in their house that they no longer want or need. Summertime is a good time to ask people to donate an item or two and free up some extra space around their house! Garage sales are usually more common in the summer and require minimal to no expense. Most people are more than happy to donate unwanted items to support an important cause. After you get enough items to sell, all you need are a few tables (which you can probably borrow) and some volunteers to help during the event. You may also want to look into putting in a free (or low-cost) ad in the local paper.
With little if any costs and the is the potential profits you can make from this event make this fundraiser option a no-brainer.
8. Sandcastle-building Contest
Sandcastle-building competitions can serve as excellent fundraising events for nonprofits. Participants can be charged an entry fee or encouraged to gather pledges from sponsors, with the proceeds used to support the nonprofit’s cause. This type of fundraiser also does not require many supplies. You really just need some buckets, shovels, access to a beach and a positive attitude. You may also consider allowing spectators to vote on a winning castle by donating money in a jar designated for the castle of your choice (similar to the charity softball game idea above).
9. Summer Carnival
Carnivals are also a great way for your nonprofits to raise money. This type of event allows for multiple revenue streams. Not only can you sell tickets for the event, but you can also raise funds through games, food and drink sales, and sponsorships. You might even try a dunking booth with members of your nonprofit board taking turns being dunked for a cost. This can be a great way to engage with people as an organization.

10. Yoga / Fitness Classes
Many people are taking advantage of the weather in summer and using it as motivation to get healthy and exercise more. For this reason, it would be a great idea for nonprofits to offer yoga or other fitness classes for a fee to raise money for their organization. Maybe a member of your nonprofit is willing to donate their time to host these classes for free. Maybe there’s someone outside of your community that would donate a portion of their fee in return for hosting the event.
GrantWatch.com has a grant listed that supplies yoga mats to USA-certified yoga teachers and yoga therapists to increase access to yoga, particularly in underserved and vulnerable populations.
Hopefully, these summer fundraisers sound appealing to your nonprofit and give your group some new ideas on how to expand your funding sources! Forward-thinking nonprofits realize that some fundraisers bring in a lot of money and others bring new people in the door with new energy who may later volunteer or donate. Fundraising is a big part of how nonprofits get the resources they need to keep running, and GrantWatch wants to see your nonprofit succeed.
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